I just finished reading David Platt’s Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream. It’s a good read and really challenging. David successfully puts the ideas and concepts of books like Brian Walsh and Sylvia Keesmaat’s Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire

into terms that the average 40+ person can understand. His metaphors are great. His passion is obvious. I think for the most part his exegesis is solid too. Nothing really stood out as problematic. 

I really appreciated the clarion call throughout the text to abandon all and follow Jesus. For this alone the book was worth the price of admission. 

The place where I think the book really wins is the emphasis on discipleship. I am reminded again that Robert Coleman nearly 50 years ago really did know what he was talking about with The Master Plan of Evangelism

I hope that we who have read this book will take the Biblical command to multiply our lives through discipleship seriously. It is through the work of discipleship that the world is changed and transformed. 


It is in the context of discipleship alone that we will see the kinds of things that are described in the book. Discipleship is the soil for radical Christian living and growth. Actually, it’s only “radical” because we’ve lost the focus. As Platt says, we have become too caught up in the big buildings, the cool programs, and the fog machines, to really be bothered by biblical discipleship. 

I pray we will be willing to disciple one another. I pray that we will be willing to disciple our neighbors. I pray that we will simply obey the Scriptures that we taught as infallible truth. 

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