Dan’s Eight Steps to Facebook Zen and Happiness

Over the last month my Facebook habits have changed dramatically. As a result of my changes I have noticed that I am sleeping better, I am more relaxed, and I am more present with those around me. Here is what I have done: 1. I post primarily family stuff. 2. I intentionally do not post about politics as I would prefer the in person conversation. 3. The only religion stuff I post is my own writing (because I’m a pastor and all). 4. I no longer post about sports (unless it is my own kids). 5. I try to avoid commenting on political, religious, and sports posts (this weekend I made the poor decision to comment on a sports post). 6. If I do comment and the conversation goes sideways (which it almost always does) I turn off notifications for that post. 7. I unfollow people who are consistently filling my timeline with negativity. 8. I turned off Facebook notifications on my phone. I only look at FB when...
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It’s Me, Not You

I told Amy last night that I was taking a break from Facebook. I will drop links and such onto my account because there are things that are linked to Facebook but, I won’t really be there. I love Facebook Messenger and the ability it provides to communicate easily with people who I can’t text. I really dig our neighborhood Facebook group, so I will check in on those. But, the app is off my phone and tablet. I removed the quick link from Chrome. A friend asked why? It’s me. Not you. One of the things I noticed happening in me this weekend was how quickly annoyed I became whenever I bounced into Facebook. I reflected a lot during the day on Sunday about this (I vacuumed the house so I could just check out to think and pray) and I realized that the problem is my own heart. Ever since launching the Antioch Movement there have been these moments when we experience these...
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I “Liked” it = I “Did” it, Really?

We live in a unique time in the history of the world. If you don’t believe me check out this video:[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8]Did I mention that video is a year or so out of date? Regardless. The reality is that the world is a very different than it was just a decade ago. We live in a time where our world is more interconnected than ever through mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, and Wordpress. We are able to express our thoughts and ideas to the globe in a keystroke. This is for the most part, in my opinion, a very good thing. It’s good because for those of who are seeking to make change we are able to express our ideas to the world at large in a way that is fast, nimble, and easily accessible. There is a darkside. A very darkside. One that I think is something we must begin to unravel or it could become so epidemic that change will be...
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